Note the tunes will not work with catless, You must use a Compliant exhaust system to avoid codes.
You must have all necessary components installed and NO trouble codes prior to purchasing a tune.
Please ensure maintenance is up to date as this will impact the tune, and performance.
Have some questions about having your WRX E-tuned?
Check below to help with any questions you may have!
What Exactly is an E-tune
Your 2015+ WRX Comes from the factory with every sensor needed to tune. This mean's with an aftermarket tuning device like the COBB AP. We can provide a custom tune service through email that provides you with a tune specifically for your project. The first email contains information on what to log, how to log and what data we need from you. After flashing the first tune file you complete a series of logs and email them back, review this and make changes and repeat until the final tune is complete. Please KNOW... Please DO NOT purchase any of our tunes if you have installed any component on your car in which a check engine light is required to be disabled or altered.
After I purchase what should I Expect?
After purchasing you will receive an email asking for mods and some information pertaining to the tune. This will come within business hours. Which can be seen at the top of the page. Order's placed before 11 AM EST M-F are processed the same day.
Once you receive you're tune file it will contain specific instructions along with video guides to help you feel comfortable with the situation.
How fast will I get tuned?
This question is very tough to answer.
If you are looking to get e-tuned in a hurry, we do now offer live tuning services, please see the live tuning tab at the top to get tuned in one day vs spread out.
Number one thing, Ensure you have NO check engine lights now, ensure the car's full air induction system is sealed using a RETURN to intake system bypass valve.
Ensure it has no boost leaks, This will waste your time and mine.
Ensure you have no check engine lights present. This means for ANYTHING. Please repair the car prior to tuning. Tuning is not a way to fix a light that is on. If you have a check engine light on we must stop tuning until the issue is rectifeid.
Let's say a Stage 2 93 Octane 2020 WRX tune is purchased. Proper install. This tune file could be completed the same day if purchased early enough if previously arranged and discussed before checkout. Would take around 5-10 Email revisions.
That same car with poor install and issues could take much longer if repairs are needed, if spark plugs are bad, pipes blow off. It is very IMPORTANT you check our you're car before tuning it. IT WILL ensure you get you're tune done as quickly as possible.
Stage 1/2 Tunes Typically take 5-15 Revisions
Flex Tunes take around 10-20 Revisions
2015+ WRX, Please not Intake valve cleaning and combustion chamber cleaning is suggested every 30k and required every 50k Miles to ensure peak performance. Skipping this step will not only cause you to make less power, but be prone to engine health issues and detonation ( knock ) Issues.
How Do I purchase a tune?
Very simple, scroll to the top of the page, and check out our shop. If at any time you are unsure what tune best fit's you please check out our chat option. We strive to reply as soon as possible. Our team of tuning specialist will be able to help provide you with the proper tune for you're setup. If you do not get a reply to be sure to leave your email!
I Just emailed you how fast will I get a reply?
Our emails are replied to in the order they are received. Oldest to newest.
Please wait 24 hours before sending another email, if you have questions please try to get all the questions and logs in the same email.
They work in threads if you bump your email it put to the top of the list. IF you do not get a reply within 24 business hour's please reach out here, FB or IG and we will sort it out. Please try to put all questions into one email.
Can I drive the car on the file you sent?
Yes, the tune files we send are set up in a way that you will be able to drive. If for any reason your car is running poorly start by checking for leaks and doing a boost leak test, and look over all installations.
Professional Engine Calibrator With 10 Years+ Of Cobb Subaru Experience.
Finding the limits.
We are always working to push every platform we support from a enjoyable daily driver, to a 1000HP setup. We have tested and seen most packages and can work together with you to achieve your goals the first time.
Extensive FA20/24 Experience
Tuner behind the Current Quickest 1/4Mile FA20 Powered WRX. As of (9/26/19) 9.89@139 The First and ONLY FA20 to achieve the 9 Second pass.
Ej25 Roots.
We Started tuning the EJ25 In 2009 With Cobb, And 10 years later we are still at it. No stranger to making the EJ25 get down the 1320 or around some of the most famous road courses around the globe. Current fastest EJ25 tuned by Mtuned on cobb is 8.65@167 making it one of the top 5 fastest Cobb Subaru’s around.